Those gorgeous green olives are from our garden. While the “orchard” flourishes in our central, suburban location, we haven’t extended our activities to sheep farming (although I believe we have the right to keep a few chickens in the garden if we wish!). So the lamb on the platter – and the wool on the needles – has travelled a bit further than some of the other things consumed here. But not terribly far. Both are produced in abundance in New Zealand, and the quality is excellent.
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As a rehabilitated non-eater of red meat, lamb has a special significance for me. Years ago, I was attending a conference at a big central-city hotel in Sydney, Australia. Somehow (because I’d probably requested something vegetarian), a terrific looking and smelling lamb dish landed in front of me for lunch. That was the final straw. I’d been leaning towards changing my ways in any event, but a lovely spicy lamb finally pushed me over the line.
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